Insomnia: Asleep in 5 Minutes?

Are you one of the 30% stuck on the insomnia treadmill? Sleep procrastination keeping you up? One more e-mail? Glued to technology? You watch exciting programs, or even check your e-mail or Facebook before bed. One more story, one more friend. Can’t hurt, right? But an overstimulated brain, with the light and volume variations of…

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Stuck Tossing and Turning All Night?

Stuck on the insomnia treadmill? Doing everything but sleeping? Is the most sleep you’re getting between 5-7 a.m.? You struggle to get out of bed in the morning, needing an old-fashioned double bell wind-up alarm clock set in a metal waste basket to even wake you. You often fall asleep watching TV but can’t get…

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