Summer Storms and Me

Duff photoDuff again. While I am grateful to live in the White Mountains of Arizona, I have my moments of distress during summer. Yes, the Dog Days of Summer are For Real. And that includes the rolling sounds of Thunder. And Lightning. And Whooshing Rain. But to have thunderstorms here, heat and clouds need to Increase and Intensify. And so they do. When these Demons arrive, They seem to jump out of Nowhere. They announce their Arrival with a Loud Boom, catching me off Guard. At times, I am Levitating into Thin Air, like a Magician. I live unstuck.

My Safe Haven is my Dog Carrier. Nothing Bad can find me there. I am Invisible and Secure, protected from Loud Noises or Other Problems that might come my way. My mom doesn’t understand. She thinks I would feel secure being next to her. But not so. I know better, for She might wander off on some Trivial Errand and leave me Unprotected. Can you imagine a frightened Little Pup on his Own? I can’t either, so I carefully head for my Refuge. I know how to live unstuck.

Are you like Me? When Confronted by Life’s Challenges, do you go to your Safe Place? Or stay Put? Do you go immediately? Or does the Situation need to build up before you take Action? I say: Either Way is fine, as long as you have a Handle on your Plight. After all, you can show Courage and Bravery in the midst of the Condition. Or you can Quietly slip away, secure in your Hidey Hole. You can live unstuck with me. Whatever choice, do live unstuck. #unstuckliving#safehaven

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”

—John A. Shedd, Salt From My Attic

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